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Want To Tell Your Story, Build A Tribe and Change The World?


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“Find Your Message...
Build A Tribe, And
Change The World!

“Find Your Message...
Build A Tribe, And
Change The World!”

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"Expert Secrets Is The Map That Will Allow You To Turn Your Specialized Knowledge, Talents and Abilities Into A Business That Will Work For You! This Is One Of The Shortcuts of The New Rich" - Robert Kiyosaki

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  • Audiobook: Upgrade and get immediate access to the audiobook (read by Russell Brunson) for just one payment of $37. 
  • ​Identity Shift by Kaelin Poulin
  • ​Power of Vulnerability by Natalie Hodson
  • ​Challenge Funnels by Natasha Hazlett & Cristy "Code Red" Nickel
  • Summit Funnels by Bailey Richert

Become the authority and influencer you were meant to be. Get front-row access to Russell’s entire LIVE presentation of his bestselling book, “Expert Secrets.” Reading the book is one thing...but SEEING it and EXPERIENCING with Russell teaching it takes your understanding to a whole new level. This exclusive training was reserved for those who paid $100,000 to be in his top tier coaching...until now. Because you are an owner of the new Expert Secrets book, you now have a one time chance to own this course. For a one time payment of just $97, we will add this course to your members area and give you immediate access today! (This offer is not available at ANY other time or place)


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Access To Expert Secrets Live: Just $97

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  • Audiobook: Upgrade and get immediate access to the audiobook (read by Russell Brunson) for just one payment of $37. 
  • ​Identity Shift by Kaelin Poulin
  • ​Power of Vulnerability by Natalie Hodson
  • ​Challenge Funnels by Natasha Hazlett & Cristy "Code Red" Nickel
  • Summit Funnels by Bailey Richert

Become the authority and influencer you were meant to be. Get front-row access to Russell’s entire LIVE presentation of his bestselling book, “Expert Secrets.” Reading the book is one thing...but SEEING it and EXPERIENCING with Russell teaching it takes your understanding to a whole new level. This exclusive training was reserved for those who paid $100,000 to be in his top tier coaching...until now. Because you are an owner of the new Expert Secrets book, you now have a one time chance to own this course. For a one time payment of just $97, we will add this course to your members area and give you immediate access today! (This offer is not available at ANY other time or place)


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Inc. 500
The Profit

What If People Would Actually Pay You For Your Advice...?"

From: Russell Brunson
Boise, Idaho

Do you have a message you want to share with the world?

Do you have specialized knowledge that could help change someone else's life?

​Would you like to get paid for your advice?

​The impact that the right message can have on someone at the right time in their life is immeasurable.

It could help to save marriages, repair families, change someone’s health, grow a company or more…

Your Message Has The Ability To Change Someone's Life...

But only if you know how to get it into the hands of the people whose lives you have been called to change.

  • Expert Secrets will help you find your voice and give you the confidence to become a leader…
  • Expert Secrets will show you how to build a mass movement of people whose lives you can affect…
  • Expert Secrets will teach you how to make this calling a career, where people will pay you for your advice…

As Sir Winston Churchill Once Said:

To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour.

Your message matters, and this book is your figurative tap on the shoulder.

Expert Secrets Has Already Helped Countless People Around The World...

The Question Is, Are YOU Next?

If You're Sick And Tired Of All The Hype, Scams And Claims You See Online Lately, Then Read These Amazing Success Stories From Actual, Real Students...

Kaelin Poulin Testimonial

Kaelin Poulin

"Over 50,000 Women Have Paid To Join Our 'Lady Boss' Community!"

Garrett J White Testimonial

Garrett J White

"I've literally gotten rid of every other book I've ever studied on marketing."

Danielle White Testimonial

Danielle White

" Expert Secrets Helps Me Better Teach Branding and Marketing to My Stylist Students"

Liz Benny Testimonial

Liz Benny

"I am now able to reach people from all around the world now with my message!"

Jacob Hiller Testimonial

Jacob Hiller

"We've Sold Over 100,000 Copies Of My Book And Lived In 65 Countries In The Past 9 Years!"

Setima Gali Testimonial

Setema Gali

" Expert Secrets has helped me become a more powerful storyteller..."

Alison Prince

"On My First Webinar After Expert Secrets, I Sold More Then I Did In An Entire Year!" 

Ben Wilson

"...In The First 45 Days I Sold Over 500 Copies Of My Hot Dog Course!"

Anthony DiClementi

"Sold Tens Of Thousands Of Copies Of My Books And Now Serving Thousands Of People Every Day!"

As You Can See...

Expert Secrets Has Already Helped Countless People Around The World...

The Question Is, Are YOU Next? ​

As We Kept Digging and Analyzing and Discussing,

A Set Of Patterns Emerged...

And what we found shocked us! 
We found that it had almost NOTHING to do with:

  • What type of funnel you used...
  • What your designs looked like...
  • ​Or even what you were selling!

But instead, it had everything to do with your ability to:

  • Communicate with the people who entered into your funnels...
  • ​Understand how to tell your brand's story... (mastering "story selling") 
  • ​How well you can use the fundamentals of persuasion to build rapport with your website visitors...
  • Build a tribe of people who bought from you over and over again, and became lifelong customers...​
  • Change your company from a "transactional" business into a "transformational" movement! 

They Had Mastered The Art Of Being An Expert (Or Guide) To Their Dream Customers...

And Then Helping Them To Achieve The Results That Their Business Promised...

Many people get nervous when they hear me say the word "Expert..." because they don't consider themselves an Expert.

​“But Russell... I'm never going to speak on stage...”

For those who are thinking that, I want to remind you that your platform, your funnels, are your virtual stage.

By positioning yourself as an expert and learning how to tell your story in a way that gets people to move, you are able to guide people through your funnels, giving them the results they are looking for.

Think About Every One Of My Funnels That You Have Ever Seen...

I Am Always Your Guide Walking You Through Each Step:

Think about almost every "Two Comma Club" winner, and then go and look at their pages inside of their funnels.

  • Who do you see on all of their ads?
  • ​​Who greets you on their landing pages?
  • Who makes a presentation to you explaining why you should purchase the products or services they sell?
  • ​Then who is the person who offers you their upsell...?
  • And who thanks you after the purchase is done?

YES! In every case it is the "Expert" or guide who has mastered how to communicate with people who enter into their funnels!

I believe that your business is a calling.

You’ve been called to serve a group of people with the products, services, and offers that you’ve created.

People come into your funnels looking for a solution to their problems.

By positioning yourself as an expert and learning how to tell your story in a way that gets people to move, you are able to guide people through your funnels, giving them the results they are looking for.

This is how you change the lives of your customers, and this is how you grow your company.

Most people who put their products up for sale don’t understand that their expertise is the key to actually selling the product.

Your story, why you created this offer, and why you started your movement are what initially get people to convert and then continue to stay with you over time.

I spent two years taking everything we had learned studying these experts and the movements they created, and broke down what I found into 19 secrets that will help you to turn your online visitors into lifelong customers!

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Expert Secrets
  • Expert Secrets will help you to find your voice and give you the confidence to become a leader...
  • Expert Secrets will show you how to build a movement of people whose lives you can change...
  • Expert Secrets will teach you how to make this calling, a career.

These "Expert Secrets" have been used to increase sales in funnels for:

Business owners in every market you can dream of.

  • Coaching/Consulting
  • ​​Local Small Businesses
  • Info Products
  • ​E-Commerce
  • Network Marketing
  • B2B
  • ​​Non-Profit
  • Agency/Freelancer
  • ​Blogging
  • And More...!

If you are selling anything online and want to to sell MORE withOUT getting any extra traffic, then you need these "Expert Secrets" right now!

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Expert Secrets Bundle

Like I mentioned before, this book is free . I'll pay for the book and all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it anywhere in the world! If you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, I also have it for sale for a small fee once you put your details in below...

When You Get This Best Selling Book For FREE... Here Are A Few Of The Secrets You'll Discover...

Inside of Expert Secrets I will be sharing with you 19 secrets to help you convert your online visitors into lifelong customers.

Here's a sneak peek at what you'll discover inside of your free copy of this new book:

Section #1: Creating Your Movement

  • Secret #1: How To Find Your VOICE, And Move Away From Just Selling A Product Or Service... And Toward Creating Offers, And Finally Leading A Movement That Changes The Lives Of Your Customers!
  • ​​Secret #2: The FRAMEWORK For Teaching Your Frameworks… (The Process For Delivering Your Knowledge And Skills In A Way That Helps Your Dream Customers Learn, And Guides Them STRAIGHT To The Result They Want!)
  • Secret #3: How To Create Your Own “Blue Ocean” In A “Red Market”, That Sets You Up As The Category King Of Your Niche... And Leave All Your Competitors Fighting Over The Scraps In Your Category.  
  • Secret #4: The ONLY Thing That Causes Your Dream Customers To Move Toward Your Offer (Or Not Move At All)... Understand This ONE Concept, And It Will Forever Change How You Communicate With Your Customers
  • Secret #5: How To Re-Package The SAME Content You’ve Been Selling In A Different Way, That Adds NEW Value For Your Customer That They’re Willing To Pay A Higher Price For!
  • Secret #6: Give Your Followers HOPE Of Something Better That’s Coming... So They Build Excitement and Anticipation For The CHANGE You’re About To Offer Them! (This Is The THIRD Stage Of Becoming The Expert)

Section #2: Creating Belief

  • Secret #7: How To Create A Powerful “A Ha” Moment For Your Customers That Gives Them Clarity On How To Solve Their Problem... So That They’ve Already Pre-Sold Themselves On Your Solution Before You’ve Even Made The Offer! 
  • Secret #8: The Two-Part “Journey” Framework That SIMPLIFIES Story Structuring, And The Key To Making Sure Your Message Has MAXIMUM Emotional Impact As A Great StoryTeller!
  • Secret #9: The Script That Turns A Quick Engaging Story Or Experience Into A Pivotal Light-Bulb Moment For Your Dream Customers That Leaves Them Already Sold On The Solution You’re About To Offer!  
  • Secret #10: The 4 Stories You Can Use Together To REWRITE The Stories That Are In Your Dream Customer’s Head That Aren’t Serving Them, Or Telling Them They CAN’T...

Section #3: One-to-Many Selling

  • Secret #11: The detailed step-by-step FRAMEWORK that builds massive value for your customers, PRE-SELLS them on your offer (so you don’t have to do any actual selling), and motivates them to buy RIGHT NOW! (I use this every single time I go on stage (or a webinar) to deliver a presentation where I make an offer.)  
  • Secret #12: How To Knock Down Your Customer's MAIN False Belief That Is Keeping Your Customer From Saying “YES!” To Your Offer... (Once This Happens, All Of Their Other False Beliefs Will Come Crashing Down!)
  • Secret #13: Use This 3-Part Story-Selling Framework To Squash Your Customers’ False Beliefs BEFORE They Even Have A Chance To Think Of Them... And Rebuild Belief Patterns That Inspires Them To Take ACTION And Change Their Lives!   
  • Secret #14: The Exact Script To Use To Easily Transition You From The “Content” Part Of Your Presentation, To Making An “Offer” And Closing The Sale (Here’s A Detailed Break-Down Of What To Say Slide-By-Slide!)
  • Secret #15: My 16 FAVORITE Mini-Closes That You Can Layer And Plug Into Your Presentation To Help Persuade Customers to Buy Your Offer (I combine these closes almost anytime I’m going to ask somebody to make an investment with me!)

Section #4: Becoming Your Dream Customer's Guide

  • Secret #16: The 7-Day schedule you should follow EVERY week for an entire year to “test and tweak” your presentation...or until you hit the Two Comma Club (whichever comes sooner!) 
  • Secret #17: Use This Perfect Webinar SHORTCUT, And Get Your FULL Presentation Created In Just 10-15 Minutes... (This Works GREAT For When You Need To Get An Offer Out To Your Audience FAST, And Don’t Have Weeks Or Days To Plan Out A Traditional Perfect Webinar!) 
  • Secret #18: This Script Chops Your Perfect Webinar Down To Just 5 Minutes... without cutting the value of your offer! (Use This For FB Lives, Sales Pages, And When The Product You’re Selling Is Under $100!)   
  • ​Secret #19: ...AND, How To Weave ALL Of These Stories, Scripts, And Frameworks Inside This Book Into Different LEVELS In Your Funnel (And Even Outside Your Funnel), So You Can Guide Your Dream Customers Straight Toward The Result They Really Want!

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Expert Secrets Bundle

Like I mentioned before, this book is free

I'll pay for the book and all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it anywhere in the world! If you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, I also have it for sale for a small fee once you put your details in below...

 " Traffic Secrets exposes the “new” way to drive the right people to your product or  service. Russell's giving you secrets that no one has revealed, and he does it in a way that makes his lessons easy to absorb and understand."

Dean Graziosi

"Controlling traffic is the holy grail for any profitable business. Traffic Secrets is the online formula to create the attention every product needs to thrive ."

Steve J Larsen


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"Vinyl 8-bit mustache quinoa drinking vinegar tousled. Odd Future iPhone sriracha, literally sustainable "

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"Vinyl 8-bit mustache quinoa drinking vinegar tousled. Odd Future iPhone sriracha, literally sustainable "

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Bonus #1 - Expert Evolution

"How To Become The Leader Your Tribe Has Been Waiting For..."

Total Value: $97.00

Bonus #1 - Expert Evolution

During this presentation you will learn the five steps you must go through to find your voice, and establish yourself as an expert

You will also learn the secrets of how to create your own frameworks and how to teach those frameworks so those who you are serving will not only remember them, but also be able to implement them in their lives!

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of Expert Secrets Today! 

Bonus #2 - Hook, Story, Offer

"If Something Isn't Working, It's Always Either Your Hook, Story, Or Your Offer!"

Total Value: $97.00

Bonus #2 - Hook, Story, Offer

This presentation will teach you the powerful "hook, story, offer" framework and how you can use it to build better funnels , fix funnels that have flopped, and finally know with absolute certainty how to get your funnels working!

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of Expert Secrets Today! 

Bonus #3 - The Perfect Webinar Slides!

"Get My Webinar Slides (Keynote and PPT) That You Can Use To Create Your Own Perfect Webinar As It's Taught In The Expert Secrets Book!"

Total Value: $197.00

Bonus #3 - The Perfect Webinar Slides!

As you read the Expert Secrets book, you will learn about the "Perfect Webinar" framework . It takes many people 3-5 days OR MORE to build out their own slides to model this proven presentation framework, but when you order today , you'll get a copy of my slide deck with training on how to customize it for your presentation!

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of Expert Secrets Today! 

Bonus #4 - The 5 Minute Perfect Webinar

"How To Make Mini Perfect Webinars To Sell Physical eCommerce Products..."

Total Value: $97.00

Bonus #4 - The 5 Minute Perfect Webinar

Jaime Cross took my perfect webinar and tweaked it to sell physical products (soaps and lotions). She used this mini version to quickly get her funnel into the "Two Comma Club" and in this bonus you'll get her training on how to do it as well as the script she developed to make it easy for anyone to implement!

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of Expert Secrets Today! 

Bonus #5 - 30 Day Expert Secrets Challenge!

"Learn How To Apply The Principles Of Expert Secrets During The 30 Day Expert Secrets Challenge!"

Total Value: $97.00

Bonus #5 - 30 Day Expert Secrets Challenge!

After you read the Expert Secrets book, the first question most people have is: "Where should I start!?!" The answer is the 30 Day Expert Secrets Challenge !

This challenge is a kickstart to get you moving forward quickly. It will give you a day by day roadmap to follow to get you from where you are today, to where you want to be!

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of Expert Secrets Today! 

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Expert Secrets

Like I mentioned before, this book is free . All I ask is that you help me cover the printing and postage costs of $9.95 US or $19.95 International, anywhere in the world!

Oh, and in case you're wondering...

There Is NO CATCH!

I know there are some websites out there that offer you something cool for free, but then stick you into some program that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them.

There's NO hidden "continuity program" - and in case you're wondering why I'm doing this...

Well, there are actually a few reasons...

  • It's my way of saying thank you for being a dedicated subscriber.
  • Because (unlike other "guru's") I don't make all of my money teaching others how to make money (I actually run real businesses online selling supplements, physical products, software, and more)... so because of that, it doesn't hurt me to share with you my best stuff.
  • ​I get another one of my products in your hands, and when you see how awesome it is, it should get you excited to buy other stuff from me in the future.
  • ​I'm kinda a show off... I'm not going to lie. I'm sick of people throwing out conversion numbers and their stats without any real proof to back it up. I think 99% of what is said online is complete BS... so I thought it would be a breath of fresh air to publish the TRUTH, show the actual stats and #'s behind what we do, and well... honestly, I just want you to think I'm cool. :)

Time Is Of The Essence...

Here's why...

We've only printed a few thousands copies of this book, and when they're gone... well, they're gone!  

If this page is still here, then the offer is live. But I reserve the right to pull it down at any time.

Here Is My “You've Gotta Be Crazy” Guarantee

I 100% guarantee that you'll love this book , or I'll return your $9.95 shipping and let you keep the book anyway.

That's right. You don't even have to send anything back. Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I'll give you back your money with no question asked.

Sound fair?

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You Get When You Order ' Expert Secrets ' Today!

Hardback Copy Of Expert Secrets

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Expert Evolution

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Hook, Story, Offer

($97.00 Value)

The Perfect Webinar Slides

($197.00 Value)

The 5-Minute Perfect Webinar

($97.00 Value)

30 Day Expert Secrets Challenge

($97.00 Value)

Total Value: $609.95

Get Your Copy Today For


Just Cover Shipping On The Book

This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Claim Your FREE Copy Now Before They're All Gone...

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you enjoy the book!


Russell Brunson

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skips to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm mailing you a 355-page hardcover book, "Expert Secrets - The Underground Playbook For Converting Your Online Visitors Into Lifelong Customers" (that retails at $24.95) for FREE. Yes, this book is free, and all you pay is $9.95 US or $19.95 International anywhere in the world.

There's no catch... no gimmicks... You will NOT be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that.

If fact, if you don't love the book - I'll even refund your shipping costs (and you don't have to ship the book back).

So, Click the button below to get your FREE copy now . You won't regret it.

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Expert Secrets Bundle

Like I mentioned before, this book is free . I'll pay for the book and all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it anywhere in the world! If you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, I also have it for sale for a small fee once you put your details in below...

Frequently Asked Questions

+ What is "Expert Secrets," and who is it for?

Expert Secrets is a 355-page hardcover book that teaches you how to find your voice, build a tribe, and grow your business by mastering the art of storytelling and persuasion. It’s perfect for anyone selling products or services online, including coaches, consultants, business owners, and entrepreneurs in any niche.

+ Is the book really free? What’s the catch?

Yes, the book is absolutely free! All you pay is $9.95 for shipping and handling within the U.S. or $19.95 internationally. There are no hidden fees, trials, or subscriptions—just valuable content to help you grow your business.

+ What makes this book different from other marketing books?

Unlike generic marketing advice, Expert Secrets dives deep into the psychology of storytelling, persuasion, and creating belief. It’s not just about selling products—it’s about building a loyal tribe, leading a movement, and transforming your business into a life-changing experience for your customers.

+ How long will it take to receive my book?

Shipping times depend on your location. U.S. orders typically arrive within 5-7 business days, while international shipping may take 2-3 weeks. You’ll receive tracking information as soon as your order ships.